Purim Bannontashen

Once upon a time there was a buffoon of a king who had a tremendous amount of money. He also had a big ego, so he was convinced he was, like, a really smart person. Despite his foolishness, many of his countrymen loved him, and even some Jews attended his bigly party. He ruled over … Continue reading Purim Bannontashen

Moosewood brownies, 2 ways

It's #NationalBrownDay! Because brownies. Below is the real Moosewood Cookbook brownie recipe. They're gooey and taste incredible--like Dunkin Heinz without all the chemicals. I use whole wheat flour, but no matter because there's hardly any flour in them. They're pretty much sugar and chocolate.  They're heavenly. But on any ol' day, I generally steer clear … Continue reading Moosewood brownies, 2 ways

Insanely good apple cake

This apple cake from Smitten Kitchen has become a regular at our Rosh Hashanah table. I use whole wheat flour, replace the oil with apple sauce and reduce the sugar by half to make it healthier. It's insanely good...that is, unless you eat all the apples off the top when before you serve it. Shana … Continue reading Insanely good apple cake

Yogurt bar & pancakes on Shavuos

As far as I'm concerned, for all that the upcoming holiday, Shavuos, lacks in detailed laws, it makes up for it in delicious foods. I'll take a buttery, broiled filet of fish over a roast any day. Our main course on Shavuos always features fish, coupled with a salad of greens, topped with feta cheese. … Continue reading Yogurt bar & pancakes on Shavuos

Cinco de Mayo pudding

Before I even heard of Mark Bittman, I was making this NY Times recipe for Mexican chocolate pudding. And while I spent most of today thinking about Yom HaShoah, Cinco de Mayo tends to better lend itself to a recipe post. Besides, I could use a chocolate pick-me-up. MEXICAN TOFU PUDDING (from a NY Times … Continue reading Cinco de Mayo pudding

Pesach, Granoladox style

Reposting this from last year, since chometz is going out of style again soon. We start out Pesach with grand plans. We're feeling like royalty--dressed in our finest clothes, the table is set for a king and we even lean to drink our wine. And then, only a few hours into the holiday, the matzah, … Continue reading Pesach, Granoladox style

Food for all this Friday

This post is dedicated to all eaters on December 25, no matter your religion. The world could use a little more unity and civility these days anyway. For my Christmas celebrating friends, these vegan caramels are insane. Give them away to be well loved, or better yet, eat them yourself. For my fellow members of … Continue reading Food for all this Friday

Surviving So Much Food

With all the joy and family time approaching this month of holidays comes a lot of food. Pretty much any time with Jews brings a lot of food. It takes a lot of discipline to keep from overeating when we're surrounded by food for days at at time. And, it takes a plan. While nothing's … Continue reading Surviving So Much Food

Happy 4th of July

With 4th of July falling on Shabbos this year, it calls for a bit of effort to make the Independence Day feel festive. Try these easy, healthy recipes to add to your Shabbos. Move over Bomb Pops, these red, white & blue Patriotic Pops are just as fun and a whole lot healthier. Ingredients: Red … Continue reading Happy 4th of July

My Buckeye Contribution

I tried to get my four kids to line up in the O-H-I-O formation for this blog post on my healthy version of the classic favorite, buckeyes. The big game is on New Year's and it will be the first game I've seen all season. I once watched nearly every game, every year, but I … Continue reading My Buckeye Contribution