White chocolate chip & PB granola bars

If you're solely a chocolate lover, you're not going to get this. Just be quiet and use chocolate chips. But if you love vanilla ice cream better than chocolate and white chocolate chips better than chocolate chips, you are salivating right now. True, white chocolate is not sophisticated, and it's mostly made of sugar, but … Continue reading White chocolate chip & PB granola bars

Winter warmth soup

I'm on my fourth cup of tea, and I'm still cold. I don't mean to complain, except my knuckles started hurting this week, the day the temperature turned south. I'm 35. Too young for arthritis. Time to move. But alas, we like our friends, our family and our house. Plus, we have jobs. I'll have … Continue reading Winter warmth soup

A little moment of glory

Yesterday was a great run. The kind that reminds me why I get out there, regardless of my schedule, the weather or the way I feel. I had signed up for a little-known half marathon in the Indiana Dunes, along with my friend, Rachel (read her post on the run and join her healthy living … Continue reading A little moment of glory

Easy pumpkin waffles

Pumpkin waffles might seem like fall-season foods gone overboard, but then you must have never made a recipe with canned pumpkin. Rare is the pumpkin recipe that uses more than half a can of pumpkin, leaving lonesome cups of pumpkin puree regularly in my fridge. Just the sight of them begets creativity. And once in … Continue reading Easy pumpkin waffles

Hot cocoa to cure homework blues

It's the first five-day week since um...that's right, camp! That's two months of scrambling to pack 5 days worth of work into sometimes as little as 1 day. This week's enough to make me want to say Shehechiyanu. But for my kids? That's another story. Five full days of school, waking up at 6:45, shlepping … Continue reading Hot cocoa to cure homework blues