Thanksgiving round up

I'm happy to report that I am not making Thanksgiving this year. I can't remember the last time I didn't make it, but this year I managed to pass the torch. I can't help but be amused by the flurry of panic across this country, though. Anyone who makes the equivalent of Thanksgiving every week … Continue reading Thanksgiving round up

Thanksgivukkah Latkes

First thing's first. In case your head's been under a rock the past few months, I'll be the first to inform you that Thursday, Nov. 28 is both Thanksgiving and the first day of Chanukkah--aptly named by the blogosphere, "Thanksgivukkah." What's pretty cool about this holiday mashup is that it hasn't happened since 1888. And … Continue reading Thanksgivukkah Latkes

Banana hot chocolate

If the wintery mix pelting my face during my run yesterday wasn't enough evidence of the season's arrival in Chicago, the snow was. And while I'd be a fool to lament the winter that's inevitable, I can say this much: smoothie season is officially over. It's a good thing this hot banana chocolate is incredible. … Continue reading Banana hot chocolate

Fabulous furniture for next to nothing

Here's the problem with furnishing your house with kids. You want your home to look pleasant and tasteful, because by the time you've got kids, you're probably well past the college dorm look. But since you've got kids, furnishing your house with pieces to last is just foolish. We inherited a perfect antique dining room … Continue reading Fabulous furniture for next to nothing

Bumper crop of sunchokes

Remember Jack and the Beanstalk? We had sunchoke plants so tall this year that more than one passerby wondered when the Giant was coming. I'm not sure what is the best part of growing sunchokes (also known as Jerusalem artichokes): the nutty-potato taste that melts in my mouth, the yellow flowers at the top of … Continue reading Bumper crop of sunchokes