It’s the first five-day week since um…that’s right, camp! That’s two months of scrambling to pack 5 days worth of work into sometimes as little as 1 day. This week’s enough to make me want to say Shehechiyanu.

But for my kids? That’s another story. Five full days of school, waking up at 6:45, shlepping to after school activities and yes, homework. They’re screaming and crying—literally.

So tonight, when homework lasted nearly two hours, I knew I had to do something. Homemade hot cocoa did the trick. Eyes were even dry enough to smile for the camera.


1 cup milk of choice per person (real milk or vegan milk will all work)
1t cocoa powder per person (I use Trader Joe’s or Hershey’s, and it doesn’t need a kosher symbol)
1/2t vanilla (or 1t if you’re making a lot of cups of milk)
1.5t maple syrup per cup of milk

Heat milk in a sauce pot on medium heat for a few minutes without letting it boil. In a separate bowl, stir together cocoa powder, cinnamon, vanilla and syrup. Once milk is hot, stir chocolate mixture into the pot.
dash cinnamon. If it’s bitter, add a little more syrup.

2 thoughts on “Hot cocoa to cure homework blues

  1. Hey Wendy! I am a hot cocoa fanatic, and so are my kids. I try new concoctions from time to time. Last week, I mixed almond milk and a small handful of dark chocolate chips on the stove, and added a tiny bit of agave syrup. Best cocoa ever, especially for this dark chocolate lover.

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